Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Art Walk Ideas 11-15

#11 - Tissue Paper Flowers
You'll want to use regular tissue paper. The bleeding tissue paper doesn't work very well. First, I covered the canvas with a light layer of glue. (It needs to be done quickly so the glue doesn't dry) Then, I laid the green tissue paper over it. Then, the kids used paint brushes to spread glue around the top of the tissue paper. Then, they cut out stems from dark green tissue paper and glued them to the canvas. I had my kids draw the flowers on the colored tissue paper, then I cut them out and glued them on. 

#12 - Ocean Life
First, the kids drew an ocean animal on the canvas using a black crayon. (Tip - kids draw better when they have a picture of the animal to reference) Then, they painted the bottom third with blue watercolors. I watered the paint down a little for the middle layer and a little bit more for the top layer. After the paint dries, I recommend using a thin paintbrush to paint over the crayon. 

#13 - Christmas Handprint Tree
This one is pretty self explanatory. I do recommend having the kids with larger hands go first (bottom of the tree) and work your way up to the kids with the smallest hands (top of the tree). 

#14 - Class Portraits
To begin, I measured and made a grid using a pencil. Then, each child painted in their rectangle. After the paint dried, they drew their portrait using a thin paintbrush. 

#15 - Class Books
While you may not consider them "art". Placing class books or other class made items in the art walk is a great way to make some extra money and  a "fair" way to decide who gets to keep the class book as a keepsake. 

Don't miss previous ideas!
Art Walk Ideas 1-5
Art Walk Ideas 6-10