Check out a preview of the 33 page fun, learning filled packet below. Make sure you grab the freebie towards the bottom!
Five Senses Song
Display this word wall or print off individual copies for each student.
Journal Pages for each of the five senses
1-2 Activities for each sense
Graph the eye colors in your class or send it home and have students graph their family's eye color.
Home Connection - Partner with parents by keeping them in the know and providing suggestions for extending learning at home.
Get the popcorn page for free here
Follow my blog or TPT store for future freebies!
This unit flows right into the I am a Scientist! Unit! Check it out below!
All the stores are being filled with Christmas stuff and since it's my sons first Christmas, I'm even more excited about the upcoming holiday season! I'm thinking elf station dramatic play center for my next project. Check back soon! :)